To ensure the best use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) resources, Cook County will:

Target ARPA funding to support County policy priorities:

  • Center decision-making on core values of equity, engagement, and excellence; 

  • Build on foundation of existing County and regional efforts, including Cook County Policy Roadmap: Five-Year Strategic Plan for Offices Under the President, the Cook County Equity Fund and We Rise Together

  • Avoid duplication of resources by leveraging existing efforts and infrastructure; 

  • Maximize all ARPA funding by cross-mapping initiatives against more restrictive funding streams first; 

  • Implement best practices from the COVID-19 response by: 

    • standing-up additional capacity, infrastructure, and expertise early and 

    • offering technical assistance to local governments regarding effective administration of ARPA Funds; 

  • Maintain flexibility to reallocate funding as needs and federal guidance evolve; and 

  • Use one-time funds for one-time uses or create a path to long-term sustainability.